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Flying to the other side of the world to promote my SaaS

Posted on:July 27, 2024 at 11:00 AM

I arrived in Wisconsin Dells yesterday, and let me tell you, it was quite the long journey. In total it took me about 27 hours to get to my bed, just right before midnight.

It started off in the Netherlands, I hopped on a flight in Brussels, then made the long journey to Chicago. From there, I caught another flight to Milwaukee, rented a car, and drove for two hours until I finally reached my destination: the Kalahari Resorts.

Behind the Scenes at THAT Conference

I’m here for THAT Conference. It’s an amazing event I’ve attended before, and I’m not just a visitor; I’m a sponsor and a speaker. But before the event kicks off, I’ve had the chance to witness the incredible amount of work that goes into setting up. It’s a humbling experience and makes me appreciate the effort even more.

Setting Up Shop

Earlier today, I set up my sponsored table for my SaaS, Blog Recorder. Decked out with a table cover featuring the logo and tagline, it’s a great feeling. As an indie hacker, building this SaaS outside of my regular job has been a labor of love. Seeing it represented at a professional conference booth is surreal and awesome.

Conference exposure

Blog Recorder launched just about a month ago—five or six weeks to be exact. So far, I have 9 paying customers and 144 users on my list, which is pretty good.

Being a sponsor at the conference is an experiment for me. Instead of pouring funds into digital ads, I’m curious to see what results from in-person exposure.

Measuring success won’t be exact and that’s fine. Not everyone will visit my booth and immediately check out the website or use a tracking URL, but that’s not the point. What matters is that people learn about Blog Recorder, talk about it, and hopefully start recommending it. That’s the kind of exposure I’m after.

The anticipation builds

The conference starts in just two days, and I can’t wait. As a speaker, I’ll share my journey of creating this SaaS on the side while maintaining a full-time job. It’s an exciting chance to meet others who might be on a similar path or considering it. I hope to inspire some people to do so with my talk.

Looking forward

So, let’s see how it goes. I’m excited and hopeful that this event will give Blog Recorder the much-needed exposure to grow the customer base and user list. It’s all about getting the word out and making connections that could lead to more opportunities down the line.

Stay tuned for updates on how the conference goes and the impact it has on Blog Recorder. I’ll probably also post about it on my socials. It’s going to be an awesome experience, and I’m extremely happy to be a part of it.