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Blog Recorder is NOT a voice transcription app

Posted on:July 10, 2024 at 11:00 AM

I’ve been working on my Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) called Blog Recorder for a while now. It’s an AI blogging SaaS that builds on top of your creativity as a human, and combines it with the power of AI to create great articles more efficiently.

Now, I know what you’re thinking—there are plenty of similar apps out there. But bear with me, because Blog Recorder isn’t just another voice note tool. In this blog post I’m going to explain the differences.

Typical audio transcription tools

Let’s address the elephant in the room: there are plenty audio transcription apps. Many are straightforward: they convert spoken words into text, and maybe even add some structure. You can choose what kind of “note” you want, and that’s that.

I do get a bit bothered when I see a new one pop up, but then I quickly realize that more often than not these apps are very basic. They’re not what I’m aiming to create.

Blog Recorder: a writer’s toolkit

The difference between Blog Recorder and the rest is this. It’s not just about transcribing your voice into a structured note or text. Transforming your spoken ideas into a structured blog post is only the first step in Blog Recorder, whereas other tools typically end there.

Here is what makes Blog Recorder different:

A powerful editor and beyond

Blog Recorder is an AI writing assistant with a rich text editor which is works really well. It also integrates with blogging platforms by letting you export to common blogging such as HTML and Markdown.

The point of Blog Recorder is not to keep a directory of notes. With Blog Recorder, you’ll be able to record, edit, export, and publish your content.

The focus and vision

The vision for Blog Recorder is to become the best AI writing assistant that builds on your creativity as a human while enhancing it with the speed of AI. Instead of being a prompt-to-article app that does everything for you, it empowers you as a writer. This vision is different from most tools out there that are just looking to quickly create junk AI content nobody wants to read. This has been the vision from the start, and the difference will become even greater over time.

You can already see it when people who are frequent bloggers have picked up Blog Recorder as a key component in their writing toolbox. Experienced bloggers such as Kent C. Dodds, Anne Bovelett, and Scott Spence are already using Blog Recorder. Over 120 people have already signed up to try it, and 6 of those are paying customers.

A seamless and integrated application

One big reason I created Blog Recorder is to create a seamless recording, editing, and publishing experience that works anywhere, even on your phone. All you need is a browser.

To do the same with typical transcription apps people would combine them with different writing apps. Jumping between multiple apps to create articles is tedious and quickly becomes an unorganized mess.

In transcription apps, writing workflows are an afterthought because they are audio recording tools, not writing tools like Blog Recorder. That is not to say that those tools are bad. They are just different.

Improving the messaging of Blog Recorder

It is my job to make these difference so obvious to people who are not familiar with Blog Recorder. A part of that job is telling as many people as I possibly can what the differences are (like in this article).

Another part of that job is making sure the messaging on the website clearly emphasizes the differences. Here is the current h1 on the marketing website:

Create articles with your voice

This tagline does not do Blog Recorder justice. It doesn’t fully capture the essence of what Blog Recorder is about. It’s not just a transcription tool; it’s the starting point of your blog creation process, packed with features that make it an advanced writer’s toolkit designed to help you record, edit, and publish articles.

A Writer’s Toolkit Enhanced by AI

Blog Recorder is set to become an unmissable tool for individual bloggers and marketing teams alike. But it’s not just about building feature upon feature—it’s about ensuring that the messaging resonates with the audience. When someone compares Blog Recorder to another voice transcription app, the difference should be obvious.

Where Blog Recorder is going

More writing tools

Blog Recorder will be getting many updates to its editor. Recently, code blocks with syntax highlighting have been added.

Some things you can expect soon are:

  1. AI editing commands where you can select text and tell the editor to summarize, simplify, add more context, and so on to improve your writing workflow.
  2. Image support powered by third party image hosts so that you won’t have to update images when crossposting to different blogging platforms

Self-learning AI adjusted to your voice and writing style

One of the most exciting and key differentiating features that will be added to Blog Recorder is a personalized self-learning AI that improves with each article you create. It will help make the first draft created by Blog Recorder match your writing style even better.

More AI writing tools

Today Blog Recorder helps you do today is turning an unstructured monologue into a structured article. After the AI editing commands become available you can expect more commands to be added over time.

There will also be a free text prompt you can write while editing. That in itself offers great flexibility but it could become tedious if you want to do the same custom AI command more often.

It would also be great if you could create your own AI commands in Blog Recorder. I’m planning to let you create and save your own prompts for editing you do frequently.

Currently Blog Recorder creates a working title for your article automatically. Coming up with a good title is hard, and in the future I want to let you use Blog Recorder to ideate more than just one title so that you can pick your favorite one.


Search engine optimization (or SEO) is a large reason people and companies decide to start blogging and content-marketing. Advanced SEO analytics will be added to the product to so that you can optimize your content for search engines with ease without having to be an SEO expert yourself.

Content organizing

Content management is another area where Blog Recorder will help. Organize your content, making it easier to manage and helping you keep track of your blogging efforts.

Writing prompts

Sometimes you have an idea for an article, but you find yourself in a situation where you can’t record it right away. To help you solve this, you will be able to add your own writing prompts for later when you have a quick idea so that you don’t forget it and can record it later.

Any writing tools you want

Blog Recorder does have a roadmap that outlines most of the things mentioned here, however, this roadmap is always subject to change based on user feedback. The users decide the direction so that it can become the best AI writing assistant out there.

In conclusion

Blog Recorder is more than just another app in the sea of voice transcription tools—it’s a AI writing assistant that’s designed to enhance the entire writing process, from the first spoken word to the final polished article. It’s about creating a seamless, integrated experience that empowers writers to produce their best work with ease and efficiency.

Stay tuned for more updates on Blog Recorder, where your voice is just the beginning.

And yes, this article was created using Blog Recorder. You can experience the future of blogging today and create a free article.